Data Management National Community of Practice Service

What is it?

The Data Management National Community of Practice (DM-CoP) Service aims to establish a community to foster data management and stewardship best practices in Luxembourg.

Who is for?

The DM-CoP Service is intended for all individuals with a professional interest in data management and stewardship in Luxembourg.

How it works?

We organise online calls and hybrid workshops to exchange knowledge and best practices in data management and stewardship. The LNDS serves as a facilitator for community activities and maintains the calendar of events. We aim for 2 events per quarter and all community members are welcome to set agenda items for our events. Events are announced to our members by email and also published on the LNDS LinkedIn page. In addition to knowledge exchange, we can comission focus groups to work on issues of particular interest to the community. Focus groups can do requirements gathering, landscape analysis, or draft national guidelines and position papers.

Join us!

Interested in joining, then sign up to our community and mail distribution list here. You will receive a confirmation of your registration by email. We also provide a Sharepoint site that accumulates slides, recordings and outputs of calls and workshops. You will be granted access after signing up to the community.

For questions or comments, please contact us at