How to upload data to S3

What is it?

To facilitate your data submission, we have prepared a data inbox (S3 bucket) specifically for this purpose. You should have received an email containing a secure link with the following information:

Follow the steps below to upload you data.


To upload your data, you need to have the following tools installed:

Step 1: Compress the file

You can compress the directory using tar. This command compresses the entire directory into a single tarball (mydata.tar).

tar -cvf mydata.tar /path/to/your/data/directory

Step 2: Encrypt the compressed file

Next, encrypt the tarball using openssl with AES-256 encryption. You'll be prompted to enter a password, which you'll need to remember for decrypting the file later.

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -salt -in mydata.tar -out mydata.tar.enc

And enter a strong password to encrypt the file.

Step 3: Upload the data to s3

Configure your S3 profile:

aws configure --profile spe-$PROJECT_NAME

AWS Access Key ID [None]: # COPY from the one-time link 
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: # COPY from the one-time link 
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:

Please upload the encrypted data to the provided S3 bucket using the command below:

aws s3 cp --profile spe-$PROJECT_NAME mydata.tar.enc s3://$BUCKET_NAME/mydata.tar.enc --checksum-algorithm SHA256 --endpoint-url 

You can now follow the how-to to share the encryption key with the Analyst.